Surviving the Lines At Disney Parks

There’s so much to do and see at Disney parks and resorts.  But, what do you do during those “down times” like waiting in line for an attraction or for a parade or show to start?  

​Let’s face it, waiting can be tough for any of us.  But, especially for kids.   Here are some ideas for making the wait a little more fun.


​​Try a scavenger hunt. Disney parks have hidden Mickey’s EVERYWHERE throughout the parks and resorts.  You can try and find them on your own or purchase a hidden Mickey book before your trip to help you find them.  You can also make up your scavenger hunt like how many character “ears” can you spot or how many princess costumes can you see.  You can even have a prize for the person who spots the most, like choosing the next ride, for example. ​

Play a game.  Play charades and try and guess Disney attractions or movies, try the alphabet game by using only Disney names, or play I, Spy. There are lots of unusual things to spot while waiting.  The Play Disney Parks app has Dinsey Trivia, interactive adventures, and attraction-themed games that can be played in line.  Or use an app like “Heads Up” where the whole group can join in.

​Have a snack.  If you know you’ll be waiting for a while, grab a snack or drink before you get in line.  It’s a great time to refuel and will save time later!

Use photography as a way to stay entertained and create memories.  For younger children a simple digital camera will do or a phone with a built-in camera for older kids. They ​​might choose to just photograph whatever strikes their interest, and that’s fine — but they can also decide ahead of time to keep an eye out for something specific: interesting flowers, unique doorways, attraction signs, etc.


​You can even set up an Instagram account specifically for your trip if you like, and your child can use a smartphone as her camera. This is a great way to visually and verbally record what they’ve seen and experienced.  

Having an Instagram account also offers a wide variety of ways to print off and use selected favorite images — photographs, magnets, and prints. And your child can use the Postagram app to instantly and inexpensively send postcards of the trip to friends, family, or back home again. ​


​​Waiting in line or for a show to start doesn’t have to be a burden.  It can be a great bonding experience for the whole family.

​​Dreaming of your next vacation to Disney or beyond? I would love to help you design the perfect land or sea experience for your family!  Click here to schedule a “Let’s Get Acquainted Session” with me so we can start planning your family’s next great adventure. ​

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Dreaming of your next vacation to Disney or beyond? I would love to help you design the perfect land or sea experience for your family!  Schedule a “Let’s Get Acquainted Session” with me so we can start planning your family’s next great adventure. ​